NAA Click & Lease Forms Update for Ohio 2024

Click & Lease (Blue Moon),

NAA Click & Lease Forms
Update for Ohio

Dear Ohio NAA Click & Lease User,

The NAA Click & Lease Program for Ohio will be updated on October 16, 2024 to include the following changes to your lease forms. The Release Notes, which are accessible when logged into your NAA Click & Lease Program, include copies of these upcoming forms.  

Should you have any questions about these changes, please contact NAA.  As always, we recommend you and your local legal counsel review all new and/or updated forms before implementing them into your leasing operations.

Updated Forms:

  1. Apartment Lease Contract
    1. Par. 3 - Lease Term – new language: This agreement shall not auto renew for more than two additional years without the necessity of a new rental agreement.
    2. Par. 4 - Security Deposit
      1. Updated language: Further, if you remain in the apartment and your total security deposit exceeds one month’s rent, the amount in excess of one month’s rent deposit(s) shall bear interest after Six (6) months of occupancy.
      2. New language: In the event you are required to pay a security deposit, it shall serve as partial security for all Resident’s obligation under this Lease Contract. The security deposit will not be our limit of damages if you violate the Lease Contract.

        Security Deposit Deductions. If all Residents perform every obligation under the Lease, you will jointly receive a full refund of the Security Deposit paid by him or her. However, if each and every obligation under the Lease is not performed, deductions will be made from the Security Deposit.
    3. Par. 13 - Disposition of Property Left in Your Apartment After Surrender, Abandonment, or Eviction – removed language: (5) you’ve not responded for three days to our notice left on the inside of the main entry door […]
    4. Par. 21 - Prohibited Conduct – new language:
      No Smoking. Unless indicated here [ ], the apartment, common areas, and all other portions of the Community are non-smoking. This prohibition against smoking includes smoking of medical or recreational marijuana. Violation of this provision is an event of Default. Otherwise, smoking is permitted in the following places: ________
    5. Par. 25 - Resident Safety and Property Loss – updated language: […] devices or security measures at the property Community, they are not […]
    6. Par. 26 - Condition of the Premises and Alterations – updated language: […] considered to be in a clean, safe, undamaged and good […]
    7. Par. 27 - Requests, Repairs, and Malfunctions – updated language: […] EITHER THE ONLINE TENANT RESIDENT/MAINTENANCE PORTAL, OR SIGNED
    8. Par. 41 - Security Deposit Deductions and Other Charges
      1. Updated language: […] repairs or damages caused by above ordinary wear and tear without regard for your negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse, or damage including […]
      2. Updated language: […] of local ordinances, State, or Federal laws relating to smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, false alarms, recycling, court fines or penalties, or other matters;
      3. Updated language: […] paragraph 33 (Default by Resident) or vacated before the end of the lease term/renewal period or failed to give proper notice provided in Paragraph 3;
  2. Student Housing Lease Contract
    1. Par. 4 - Lease Term – new language: If the number of days is not filled in, the number shall be 60.
    2. Par. 5 - Security Deposit
      1. Updated language: Further, if you remain in the dwelling and your total security deposit exceeds one month’s rent, the amount in excess of one month’s rent deposit(s) […]
    3. Security Deposit Deductions subparagraph – updated language: If all Residents perform every obligation under the Lease, each Resident will receive a full refund of the individual Security Deposit paid by him or her.
    4. Security Deposit; Other Charges subparagraph
      1. Updated Language: You’ll be liable for the following charges, if applicable: unpaid rent; unpaid utilities; unreimbursed service charges; repairs or damages caused by above ordinary wear and tear without regard for your negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse, or damage, including stickers […]
      2. Updated Language: […] government fees or fines against us for violation (by you, your occupants, or guests) of local, State, or Federal laws ordinances relating to smoke detector and carbon monoxide detectors, false alarms, recycling, recycling, court fines or penalties, or other matters; […]
      3. Updated Language: (2) accelerated rent if you have violated paragraph 36 (Default by Resident) or vacated before the end of the lease term/renewal period or failed to give proper notice provided in Paragraph 4 above; […
    5. Par. 24 - Prohibited Conduct – new language:
      No Smoking.  Unless indicated here [ ], the apartment, common areas, and all other portions of the Community are non-smoking.  This prohibition against smoking includes smoking of medical or recreational marijuana.  Violation of this provision is an event of Default.  Otherwise, smoking is permitted in the following places: _________
    6. Par. 28 - Resident Safety and Property Loss – updated language: If we provide any access control devices or security measures at the property Community […]
    7. Par. 29 - Condition of the Premises and Alterations – updated language: Otherwise, everything will be considered to be in a clean, safe, undamaged, and good working condition.
  3. Support or Service Animal Amendment to Animal Addendum
    1. Updated Addendum Name: Emotional Support Animal or Service Animal Addendum
  4. Resident Parking Addendum
    1. Resident and Owner Agree as Follows paragraph – new language:
      5. If you are assigned to one or more specific parking spaces the number(s) of the space(s) are ___________.
  5. Rental Application
    1. Applicant Information section
      1. Social Security Number field: Updated to include (If Applicant does not qualify for a SSN, it is not required)
    2. Other Occupants section
      1. Social Security Number field: Updated to include (If Occupant does not qualify for a SSN, it is not required)
  6. Request for Reasonable Accommodation and/or Modification to Rental Unit
    1. New language: Please provide any verification you may have from any medical provider who has treated you within the last Three Hundred and Sixty Five (365) days which verifies the need for any accommodation you are requesting.

Removed Forms:

  1. Fast Facts 2021 Debt Collection COVID 
  2. Notice of Temporary Waiver of Late Fees

How will the users experience within the NAA Click & Lease be affected?
The following changes will be implemented within the NAA Click & Lease Program in correlation to the form revisions.

  • Two new fields will be added to the Special Provisions section of the lease editor. Recurring default values may be saved.
  • A new field will be added to the Parking Addendum section of the lease editor. A recurring default value may be saved.
  • Multiple fields will be removed from the Covid-19 Forms section of the lease editor.



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