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Toolbox Series: Toilets and Disposals

Thursday, June 15, 2023
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
4 Seats Remaining

Event Details

The GDAA Toolbox Series 

Toilets and Disposals

Don't call a plumber just yet! You might be surprised to learn that most toilet and disposal problems are fairly easy to fix in-house

Toilets are rather straightforward fixtures and are comprised of only a few essential parts. When something goes on the fritz, it’s usually relatively simple to diagnose the problem and fix it. 

When the disposal fails to work, a clogged drain becomes a real worry, and garbage disposal repair becomes a necessity. Learn the common signs of why a garbage disposal is not working and what to look for before when deciding if fixing or replacing is the best.

All attendees will receive a tool for their personal toolbox! (TBD)


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(937) 293-1170